Okay, screw my first prelim paper-geog. Fcuk shit. Not going to dwell on it anymore.
Right now, I'm in love with this duet-SNSD's Jessica and SHINee's Onew! (:
Sad sad sad duet... Viv said JESICCA looked like a GODDESS in another video. I think she's damn BEAUTIFUL! And ONEWWWWW! CHARMINGGG!! I think they 2 will make the perfect couple. Viv, dont be jealous. :P
Jessica & Onew- One Year Later.
All the best for the rest of my papers which I'm not prepared for. ):
Friday, August 21, 2009
Every recess is FUN TIME for me! Today was ESPECIALLY FUN and it feels like I'm in ODAC! The guys led us to this new and secluded place somewhere in school and they had these 'obstacle courses'. We went really wild cos i think we were probably stressed after studying? Took lots of videos but I'm only uploading one here. The rest shall be uploaded onto my facebook!! Alright, enjoy this video starring the WONDERGIRLS-JIAYAN, ALICIA AND ME.
I've discovered lots of things I don't know about CJ. I didn't know there's a restaurant/pub behind my school! I didn't know there was such an adventurous place. I didn't know CJ is so cool! HAHA!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
sexy nurse zombies. freaky ghost girl.
Scarier than Haunting Of The Connecticut!
I'm glad that my parents are okay now! I wanna thank my friends who have been listening and advising. THANK YOU! heh, they are both laughing on the bed now. =P WHOOO!! I hope it won't happen EVER again!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Spent the whole of 9th August with my beloved Tong family at the Yacht rented by Desmond's Dad. And Thanks for all the good food too! I hope this will be ur next family tradition cos last year we celebrated National day the same way. I swear I will never get tired of it!! (:
Us and our grandmother!!
Jack, I'm flyinggggg.. (Titanic theme song)
Soweonuel Malhaebwa!! (:
Vivyan and I decided to be lame and hid in the secret cupboard(cupboard in the cupboard) we found out last year. We wanted to test if anybody cared about our existence so we waited for them to shout our names. In the end, we were neglected. But, who cares?? We used Vivyan's COOLIOXX NikonSONY camera to take pictures in the crammed cupboard and took turns to act as JU-ON. Not to mention, the cupboard was in total darkness so, who knows if a thrid party was really with us, in there? YUCKS.
JU-ON 3 is out!!! To Jiayan: Wanna watch? =P
OMG, how would I forget about the GOOD FOOD. There was boneless chicken drumstick, lamb chop, crayfish, potato salad, lots of fruits and we bought 4 cakes to celebrate 4 people's birthdays!! Happy Birthday to 3rd Uncle, the Tong Twins and to Daddy!!
i help u add this picture leh van. and credits to vivi for the wonderful shot taken. such hidden talent. zomg.
The twins-Denissa and Isabella. Isabel's face is retarded here. =.=
After singing happy b'day, me and vivyan went up to the deck to steal some malborough (I think that's the name) and whisky and mixed them up with sprite. Malborough+sprite=BEST. Whisky+Sprite=Taste like choc. Then we started our singing session with a little bit of drunkness. Totally went crazy after that. Laughed till my stomach wanna RIP APART!
awesome face!
awesome face!
We were super beat after that and headed for home at around 2am. Maybe I would stayover if I have the chance next year. The bed is super comfortable. Better than my bedrock.
Alright, off to study! Goodbye my love!!
Someone still owes me 10 bucks related to the yacht. Please pay for the service charge. Thank you.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Met up with KIM-CHAN today while she is currently having her summer vacation from her Britain school. Man, I missed her and those good old childhood days. She has been my tuition friend since Pri 3 to Sec 4. Wow, our friendship has been ongoing for almost 10 years already! (: It would be better if JiaMin and Clarissa could come down and gather today with us cos, I'm missing them too!!
I think my face is really super round. Thanks to the STARS huh.. =P
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
On one STARry night, we celebrated her birthday @ Ichiban Sushi at Plaza Sing on sunday. It must have been an enjoyable and most memorable birthday ever thanks to 'US'. (: Elaboration of the celebration is within us. Haha, kidding it's just that I do not have time to continue cos I must really start to study for prelims now. Its gonna be here soon! So, feast your eyes on the 'gorgeuous' girls and guys now. (:
*****I just love seeing stars everywhere.*****
Alright, I'm saddd! Cos, my first and favourite korean boyband may be disbanded. ): Please dont disband for your fans' sake. Their songs are too good to be wasted. DBSK hwaiting! (:
Alright! I wanna be ready to marry PRELIMSS!!! I wanna ACE it! Not forgetting my A's too! (:
Hello! 안 녕! こんにちわ!
tag before you leave!
Vanessa Misako Lee 21 September 91 Tanjong Katong Sec Catholic Junior College